Professional Branded Bags and Totes for Colleges and Universities
There are very few brands as significant as our Alma Mater.
It is the crucible where our adulthood began and the warm hearth that we yearn to return to for shared memories with lifelong friends. As engagement professionals, you plan events throughout the year to foster these feelings of good will. Whether it is for fundraising, prospective student engagement or alumni enrichment, your events all have one thing in common: they promote your brand.
Branded paper bags and tote bags are the ultimate event marketing tools. Convenient and appreciated, a bag in your school colors is the perfect delivery vehicle for gifts and information. Professionally designed, a custom bag is an endearing, yet cost-effective, promotional item. Your students and alumni will be pleased to receive their branded bag and they will save it to be used again and again.
Reunions, Homecoming, Commencement, Development Events, Admission Events and Summer Seminars. Whenever you host an event on campus, a custom bag is a convenient and professional way to present and promote your brand.
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